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About the Conference

Please, find the step-by-step procedure related to the paper presentation:
1. Upload the presentation in pdf format to your personal account before November 12th;
2. Carefully read the conference program;
3. Join the online section at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time (the links to the online conference rooms will be available 3 days before);
4. Present your paper in English (section chair switches the slides, attendee presents his/her presentation and answers questions);
5. Your contribution to the discussion of other presentations is highly appreciated (the questions are to be provided to the conference chat);
6. Sign the eCF (IEEE copyright) (detailed instructions will be available after the conference);
7. Pay the conference fee (detailed information on conference fee payment will be provided after the conference (November 15th).

Welcome to the web-site of Ural-Siberian Smart Energy Conference (USSEC), which will be held on November 13-15, 2021 in Novosibirsk, Russia at Novosibirsk State Technical University.

Faculty of Power Engineering of Novosibirsk State Technical University with Ural Power Engineering Institute of Ural Federal University organizes a conference for scientists, researchers, developers and employees in the sphere Power & Energy Sector to promote, share experiences and the latest achievements in the field of power systems.

The main goal of the conference is to bring together students, young and experienced scientists, developers and specialists in the field of power industry to form a new communication platform, enrich cooperation of already established scientific schools and research groups from different universities, research centers and industrial enterprises from all over the world. The conference is expected to synergize integration, systematization and popularization of theoretical knowledge and practical experience as well as to stimulate research and innovation activities.

The official language of the conference is English.

Each author can submit no more than 3 (three) papers. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation in the world, this year the conference will be held online.

Accepted and presented full papers will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements. IEEE has agreements with almost all of the top publishers, including Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), Elsevier (Compendex, ScienceDirect, and Scopus), Google Scholar, ACM, IET etc.

The proceedings of last year's USEC 2020 conference were indexed in the Scopus scientific citation database. Link to the proceedings of 2020 is here.

Full Paper Submission will be opened from 23rd of July until 18th of September 2021.

Conference fees are paid for each publication included in the conference program. The fees should be paid after the paper acceptance. Regular conference fee: 120 USD. IEEE/CIGRE member conference fee: 95 USD. Conference attendees without paper presentation do not pay any registration fees, but they should also be registered at the web-site.

Important dates

September 18th, 2021

Submission of full papers for review

October 8th, 2021

Notification of acceptance

October 18th, 2021

Submission of final papers

November 10th, 2021


November 13-15, 2021

Conference dates

Technical Tracks

Automated Electrical Systems

  • Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
  • Modeling, Optimal Planning and Forecasting for Energy Systems
  • Power System Protection, Automation and Control
  • FACTS, HVDC technologies and applications
  • Power Quality and Reliability
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • Electricity Markets

Diagnostic, Prognostic and Maintenance Methods and Tools

  • Advanced Materials and Insulation Systems
  • Monitoring and Diagnostics of Electrical Equipment
  • Maintenance and On-site Repair Solutions
  • Experts and Decision-Support Systems
  • Measurements, Evaluation and Emerging Test Techniques

Power Equipment, Electrical Machines and Drives

  • Electrical Machines and Transformers
  • HV Power Transmission Lines
  • Thermophysical Problems of Power Equipment
  • Switching Equipment Advances
  • Innovation in Instrument Transformer Technologies
  • Grounding and Protection Systems
  • AC Electric Drives
  • Electrotechnology

Information and Communication Technologies in Industry

  • Big Data Analytics in Industry
  • Artificial Intelligence Application in Industry
  • Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Devices
  • Cloud Computing Practical Applications
  • Internet of Things in Industry

Smart Grids and Microgrids

  • Intelligent Energy Measurement and Monitoring Systems
  • Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems
  • Distributed Generation and Active distribution networks
  • Application of Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices
  • Design and Operation Issues of Microgrids
  • Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Industrial Processes

Power Engineering Education

  • Advanced Educational Tools in Power Engineering
  • Up-to-date Methodology of Power Engineering Education
  • Experience in Implementing Novel Educational Programs
  • Industry-wide Educational Projects


Conference Chairman
Anastasia Rusina Novosibirsk state technical university DSc, Dean of the Power Industry Faculty
Sergey Sarapulov Ural Federal University DSc, Director of Ural Power Engineering Institute
Vice Chairman
Ilia Litvinov Novosibirsk state technical university Cand. Sc., Associate professor
Members of the Organizing Committee
Sergei Kokin Ural Federal University DSc, vice Director of Ural Power Engineering Institute
Anna Arestova Novosibirsk state technical university Assistant professor
Natalia Kirianova Novosibirsk state technical university Assistant professor
Olesia Borush Novosibirsk state technical university DSc, Associate professor
Andrei Trofimov Novosibirsk state technical university Cand. Sc., Associate professor
Elizaveta Nikolova CIGRE Russian National Committee, PJSC «Federal Grid Company of the United Energy System» CIGRE Russian National Committee Youth Section Chairman, Head of Staff training center»
Darya Shatunova Ural Federal University Head of Youth Science department
Elena Zinov’eva Ural Federal University Head of Administrative Department
Technical Program Committee Chairman
Alexandra Khalyasmaa Ural Federal University PhD, Associate professor, IEEE member, CIGRE member, CIGRE D2 “Information systems and Telecommunication” National WG governor
Technical Program Committee Vice Chairman
Stanislav Eroshenko Ural Federal University PhD, Assistant professor, IEEE member, CIGRE member, CIGRE C3 “System Environmental Performance” Study Committee Observer, Russian National Committee Youth Section resident in Ural region
Oversight members of Technical Program Committee
Kirill Osintsev CIGRE Russian National Committee Academic Secretary of Russian National Committee Technical Council
Vasiliy Borisov IEEE Russia (Siberia) Cand. Sc., Chairman
Members of Technical Program Committee
Irina Davidenko Ural Federal University DSc, Professor
Raphael Caire Grenoble INP PhD, professor
Tran Duc Chung FPT University PhD, associate professor
R.Hariprakash Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research PhD, professor, IEEE Senior member
Victor Bolgov Estonian Maritime Academy DSc, Lector
Kutt Lauri Tallin University of Technology PhD, Head of «Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics» department
Shaoping Wang Beihang University PhD, Chair Professor in the School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering
Lina Wang Beihang University DSc, Professor
Diāna Žalostība Riga Technical University DSc, Associate professor
Anastasija Ziravecka Riga Technical University DSc, Associate professor
Loik Kasobov Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi Cand. Sc., Dean of Electrical Engineering Faculty
Dzhavod Aheev Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi Cand. Sc., Associate professor
Olivares Galvan Juan Carlos Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco DSc, Professor
Serguei Maximov Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia PhD, associate professor
Mikhail Fursanov Belarusian National Technical University DSc, Professor
Dmitry Sekatski Belarusian National Technical University PhD, Senior Lecturer
Pavel Matrenin Novosibirsk state technical university Cand. Sc., Associate professor
Valeriy Tashchilin Ural Federal University Cand Sc., Senior Lecturer
Andrey Borodin Yandex Cloud Cand. Sc., Open source RDBMS development team lead
Sergey Bychkov Ural Federal University Cand. Sc., Vice Director of Ural Power Engineering Institute
Sergey Shcheklein Ural Federal University DSc, Professor, Head of “Nuclear power plants and renewable energy sources” department
Vasiliy Frizen Ural Federal University DSc, Professor, Head of “Electrical engineering and electro technological systems” department
Alexey Kostilev Ural Federal University Cand .Sc., Head of “Electrical Drives and Industrial Electrical Installations“
Vladislav Samoylenko Ural Federal University Cand Sc., Associate professor
Leonid Plotnokiv Ural Federal University DSc, Associate professor
Stanislav Shelyug Ural Federal University Cand Sc., Associate professor
Pavel Ilyushin Saint-Petersburg Energy Institute of Post-graduate Studies DSc., Head of smart power systems and distributed energy center
Alexander Ovsyannikov Novosibirsk State Technical University DSc, Professor
Vadim Manusov Novosibirsk State Technical University DSc, Professor
Alexey Romanov MIREA – Russian Technological University Cand Sc., Associate professor
Anton Prohorov National Research Tomsk Polytechnical University Cand. Sc., Associate professor, Vice-director for education, Power and Electrical Engineering Institute
Konstantin Suslov National Research Irkutsk Technical University DSc, Professor, Chairman of CIGRE Russian National Committee C1 “System development and economics”, deputy of chair Russian (Siberian) Chapter of Power and Energy Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE PES)
Alexander Voloshin Moscow Power Engineering Institute Cand. Sc., Director of National Technological Initiative Center “Technologies of electric energy transmission and intelligent power systems”
Dmitriy Serov Moscow Power Engineering Institute Head of National Technological Initiative Collaboration Center at Mosсow Power Engineering Institute
Yuliya Zatsarinnaya Kazan State Power Engineering University Cand Sc., Associate professor
Andrey Gofman PJSC «Federal Grid Company of the United Energy System» Cand. Sc., Vice Head of Sprecialized Staff Training Center “Beliy Rast”
Nikolay Shubin JSC «RTSoft» Cand. Sc., Leading expert of Power Industry Technical Board
Konstantin Nikishin InteLAB, LLC Cand. Sc., Chief Development Officer, Engineer-Entrepreneur
Fedor Nepsha InteLAB, LLC Cand. Sc., analyst of Platform & Solutions Development Department

Последние новости

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4 июля 2024 года с 15:00 до 16:30 в Конгресс-центре ЦМТ по адресу: г. Москва, Краснопресненская набережная, дом 12, подъезд 4, зал № 3 «Пресс-зал» состоится семинар «Информационно-коммуникационные технологии энергетического перехода».


Мониторинг событий, оказывающих влияние на функционирование и развитие мировых энергосистем

Еженедельный обзор событий, оказывающих существенное влияние на функционирование и развитие мировых энергосистем, подготовленный АО «СО ЕЭС» по материалам зарубежных средств массовой информации, официальных сайтов сетевых/системных операторов.


Национальный исследовательский комитет В5 РНК СИГРЭ «Релейная защита и автоматика» – итоги работы и подготовка к 50-й сессии СИГРЭ

26 июня состоялось расширенное заседание НИК В5 РНК СИГРЭ «Релейная защита и автоматика», функционирующего на базе Системного оператора. Участники обсудили итоги работы Национального исследовательского комитета, международных и национальных рабочих групп в 2023 году и I полугодии 2024 года, план работы на 2024–2025 годы и подготовку к участию российской делегации в работе 50-й сессии СИГРЭ в Париже.


Доступен очередной выпуск журнала «CIGRE Science and Engineering»

На сайте издания доступен очередной выпуск журнала СИГРЭ «CIGRE Science and Engineering» №33 за июнь 2024 года.


НИК В3 РНК СИГРЭ примет участие в IX Международной научно-технической конференции «Развитие и повышение надежности распределительных электрических сетей»

3-4 июля 2024 года в Москве состоится IX Международная научно-техническая конференция «Развитие и повышение надежности распределительных электрических сетей». При участии НИК В3 РНК СИГРЭ «Подстанции и электроустановки» пройдёт Сессия 4: Автоматизация сетей и производственных процессов.


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